Peer Coaching
Our peer coaches empower people to achieve a solid recovery foundation and achieve life goals. Peer coaches support individuals in recovery from:
· Addiction Issues (chemical/behavioral)
· Mental Health Challenges (short/long term diagnosis, grief & loss)
· Chronic Illness (HIV/Hep C – Newly Dealing/Newly Diagnosed)
Peer coaches are individually matched with people seeking support in their recovery. The matched pair meets for one hour per week for 26 weeks. All our peer coaches are individuals in recovery who have reached long-term stability. Anyone can be matched with a coach at NO COST. YOU define what recovery is to you, identify what it is you wish to accomplish and we support you in the journey to realize those goals. (For example, you may want to reduce or stop meth use, but you do not have a problem with alcohol. We will support you in this recovery path.)
If you are interested in being matched with a Peer Coach the first step is to click the button below and fill out the intake form.

Peer Washington honors a person being in recovery when they say they are!